
Safeguarding Policy Statement

Each parish within the benefice has adopted the safeguarding policies of the Church of England.

In particular we are committed to:

  • The safeguarding of all children, young people and vulnerable adults
  • Carefully selecting and training paid and voluntary staff who might come into contact with children and vulnerable adults, using the Disclosure and Barring Service, among other tools, to check their suitability
  • Responding without delay to every complaint made which suggests that an adult, child or young person may have been harmed
  • Cooperating fully with the Police, local authority and any other appropriate statutory body in any investigation
  • Ministering appropriately to anyone, child or adult, who has experience abuse
  • Extending pastoral care to those known to have offended against children or vulnerable adults while ensuring that children and vulnerable adults are protected from them

The Rector or Church Wardens are available to speak to adults or children with any concerns and we have appointed a Disclosure Officer for the Benefice and Parish Safeguarding Coordinators for each parish. Contact details are below.

Any child wishing to talk about a problem can call Childline: 0800 1111

Any parent or carer wishing to talk about parenting problems can contact Family Lives on 0808 800 2222

For further information regarding safeguarding within our parishes, or if you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact the relevant person below.


Church Wardens:                              Patricia Richards              01795 228364

                                                               Liz Stevens                01795 474242

Safeguarding Officer:                        Michelle Homer                07974 263713


Church Wardens:                              Vicki Lukehurst                01795 475923


Safeguarding Officer:                        Michelle Homer                07974 263713

Bredgar with Bicknor

Church Warden:                                Tim Ford                          07846 563307

Safeguarding Officer:                        Joanna Heath                   07881 916577


Church Wardens:                         John Nightingale              01622 884272


Safeguarding Officer:                  Anita Phillips                    01622 884425


Church Wardens:                         Malcolm Major                01622 884417


Safeguarding Officer:                  Anita Phillips                    01622 884425               


Church Warden:                                Phebe Chamberlain        01795 830267

Safeguarding Officer:                        Phebe Chamberlain        01795 830267   


Benefice  Disclosure Officer:            Tammy Rose                    Email:

Alternatively, click below to visit the Diocese of Canterbury’s safeguarding page.